Hazardous Areas: Safety, Zones, and “Ex” Products – Understand the Importance for Your Industry.

Hazardous areas are environments where an explosive atmosphere with flammable gases or combustible dust is present or likely to occur.

Brazilian sign for identifying the risk of explosive atmospheres.
Brazilian sign for identifying the risk of explosive atmospheres.


They are divided into Zone 0, 1, or 2, representing the frequency of occurrence and the duration of an explosive gas atmosphere. This classification is relevant and simplifies the selection of equipment that can be used in these locations, as special precautions are required for the manufacturing and certification of electrical (Ex), instrumentation, automation, telecommunication, and mechanical equipment installed.







Defined in ABNT NBR IEC 60079-10-1:2009 ((Brazilian Association of Technical Norms), the area classifications are as follows:

Zone 0: the presence of an explosive atmosphere is continuous or for long periods.

Zone 1: it is likely that an explosive atmosphere may occur during normal operation.

Zone 2: in this zone, it is not likely that an explosive atmosphere will occur during normal operation, but if it occurs, it will persist for only a short period.


Ex Products

In hazardous areas, specific requirements are needed for the assembly, inspection, maintenance, repair, recovery, and asset management of equipment and facilities, based on the Brazilian Technical Standards Series ABNT NBR IEC 60079 – Explosive atmospheres. The equipment to be installed in these locations is called “Ex” equipment and must eliminate or isolate the ignition source, avoiding the simultaneous occurrence of the three components that form the fire triangle: fuel, oxygen, and ignition source.

All types of “Ex” protection can be considered safe against the occurrence of an explosion. However, if “Ex” equipment is not properly assembled, maintained, inspected, or recovered in the field, in hazardous areas, they may lose their original protective characteristics, putting installations and people at risk.

Example of an explosion in industry.

In a scenario where safety is crucial, understanding the elements involving hazardous areas is essential. Aware of this challenge, Polar, as a reference in electrical components and materials for hazardous areas, takes pride in offering products that meet the strictest safety standards and regulations.

Our safe “Ex” products are carefully specified, sourced from the world’s best brands, ensuring reliability and quality.

We understand the complexity of choosing products for explosive environments, and that’s why our technical team is ready to provide personalized support. We invite you to contact us, allowing our expertise to assist in selecting the most suitable “Ex” product for your needs. At Polar, we are committed not only to excellence in safety but also to providing effective solutions for challenging environments.



ROCHA, Carlos Henrique; SANGUEDO, Carlos; MONTEIRO, Cleber; MÍNGUEZ, Nícolas; FERREIRA, Reneval; BARBOSA, Vitor; NASCIMENTO, Luis; NETO, Eduardo (ed.). Instalações Elétricas em Áreas Classificadas: Atmosferas Explosivas. 3. ed. [S. l.]: SENAI, 2014.

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