The Importance of Air Ventilation in Confined Spaces: Effective Solutions from SA Equip

Confined spaces present a significant challenge to worker safety due to their restrictive nature and the presence of atmospheric hazards. In this article, we will discuss the concept of confined spaces and some solutions provided by the Polar Group to assist in working within these environments.


What Is a Confined Space?

A confined space is defined as any area that is not designed for continuous human occupancy, has limited means of entry and exit, and insufficient ventilation to remove contaminants or correct oxygen levels. Common examples include tanks, silos, pipelines, and underground galleries. These environments are characterized by the difficulty of movement and work, poor or nonexistent natural ventilation, and restricted openings for entry and exit.

Exemplo de espaço confinado
A confined space example

NR-33 and Accidents in Confined Spaces

The Regulatory Standard No. 33 (NR-33) was implemented to ensure safety and health in work conducted within confined spaces. This standard establishes protective measures that must be adopted before entry, during work, and upon exiting these environments. NR-33 aims to eliminate atmospheric hazards, such as contaminant concentrations and inadequate oxygen levels, which are the main causes of accidents in these spaces. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), atmospheric hazards are responsible for most accidents in confined spaces, potentially leading to poisoning, asphyxiation, or the formation of flammable/explosive atmospheres.

The Importance of Air Ventilation

Adequate ventilation is crucial in confined spaces to maintain safe oxygen levels and remove dangerous contaminants. According to NR-33, continuous ventilation should be initiated before entry and maintained throughout the entire work period within the confined space. This helps ensure thermal and respiratory comfort for workers, as well as prevent the formation of explosive and/or toxic atmospheres. Without proper ventilation, toxic gases such as methane, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon monoxide can accumulate, significantly increasing the risks of serious accidents.

Simulação de acidente por intoxicação em espaço confinado.
Simulação de acidente por intoxicação em espaço confinado.

SA Equip Solutions for Ventilation in Confined Spaces

SA Equip is a renowned brand that offers, among other lines, robust and effective solutions for the challenges of ventilation in confined spaces. In this segment, their main product is the portable SA Cyclone Ex air mover.


Utilização do Ex air mover
Utilização do Ex air mover

Designed for use in confined spaces, the SA Cyclone features a compact design and robust construction, ensuring greater mobility and durability. Certified by INMETRO for use in classified areas, the SA Air Mover is a safe and efficient ventilation solution for explosive atmospheres.






In addition to various size, voltage, and connection options, the SA Cyclone model also offers a range of accessories such as antistatic ducts, connectors, and filters, all to ensure a safe and efficient operation.

Exemplificação do uso do Ex air mover em conjunto com o Duto reforçado antiestático SAFD em espaços confinados.
Exemplificação do uso do Ex air mover em conjunto com o Duto reforçado antiestático SAFD em espaços confinados.













Adequate ventilation in confined spaces is essential to ensure the safety and health of workers. Through its SA Equip ventilation line, Polar is committed to providing certified and high-quality equipment, offering its customers a safer and more efficient work environment.


Now that you are familiar with SA Equip’s confined space ventilators, order yours today! Contact our sales team through the following channels:

E-mail: [email protected]; Whatsapp: (22) 99205-1539

Or request directly through the brand’s page here. Your request will be sent in a personalized manner!

Polar Group
Exclusive Distributor of SA Equip in Brazil

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